Fear Everything in this world has it's own boundaries. I am an organism bounded by fear. Defined by that which I can not see or touch. I fear being a failure, not measuring up. And yet, I also fear success. The unknown of both outcomes paralyzes me. The fear comes like a silent rogue in the night. To pilfer opportunities. And I let it rob from me that which could be. I feel pulled to imagine and create great things. Vulnerability is the price. And that brings my fears to the forefront. Do I have skin of the needed thickness? Can I stand the pain of criticism? Or will it pierce me to my creative soul? I sit and look at that which I want so to do. A stare instead of action. A window shopper in my very own life. I am looking for the well of fortitude within. An inspiration to drive me, For I want to break out of these clasping bonds. I steel my nerve, and propel myself forward. But at the last I hesitate. Afraid of what I might find beyond my boundaries. I slump back down to only watch again. Defeated by none but me. With the boundaries of fear even closer now. Copyright (c) 1999 Keith L. Williams